Chapel Time
PDS classes gather regularly in the beautiful sanctuary of Memorial Presbyterian Church to hear about God’s love through music, Bible stories, and prayer. Parents are welcome to attend chapel time with us.
Chapel Time is led by both the PDS director and rotating pastoral staff, so that children get to meet all of the ministry staff who serve the church. Chapel Time celebrates the uniqueness of each child and God’s amazing love for all.
This is a time to get together, sing songs, hear short Bible stories, and pray. It is a wonderful way to start the day. 3PK and VPK have Chapel Time in the sanctuary. 2PK starts the year with Chapel Time in the classroom, and then by the second semester they meet in the small chapel that is part of the main sanctuary. Our youngest children have special programming in their own classroom all year and will sometimes make special stroller trips into the sanctuary, especially in December to see the pretty Christmas tree lights!
Some of the songs we sing include classics like “Father Abraham”, “Deep and Wide”, and “Jesus Loves Me”. We also learn newer songs like “Pharaoh, Pharaoh”. Even the littlest children love music!
Faith in the Classroom
Faith is interwoven throughout the classroom as we share how God created and loves us all. Children start each day with a prayer and give thanks before meals. They share their blessings. It is our goal that every child knows he is special and wonderfully made.

Monthly Chapel Themes
- August/September – God Made the World: Creation
- October – God Made Me Special
- November – God Made My Family/ Advent
- December – Advent and Christmas: Jesus is Born
- January – I Can Talk to God
- February – Jesus Loves Me
- March – Bible Friends: Old Testament
- April – Easter
- May – Bible Friends: New Testament